The Indian Drug Industry’s Looming Talent Crisis – A Recent Landscape

India’s pharmaceutical industry, a global generics and drug manufacturing powerhouse, is facing a critical talent deficit. The shortage of skilled professionals is impeding innovation, drug development, and the industry’s overall competitiveness.

This challenge, exacerbated by recent industry dynamics, demands immediate attention to unleash the sector’s full potential. In today’s article, I shall dwell on this area.

Talent challenges and focus areas:

The industry is facing a significant talent crunch. Here’s a breakdown of the key challenges with recent, specific examples:

1. Skill Shortage:

The industry demands expertise in areas like regulatory affairs, data science for clinical trials, biosimilars, and gene therapy. However, the current education system and skill development programs haven’t kept pace with this evolving landscape.

Example: A 2023 report by TeamLease points out a growing demand for professionals with expertise in regulatory affairs, particularly, those adept at navigating international regulations for drug approvals. This is crucial as Indian companies increasingly target overseas markets.

2. The Great Resignation Impact:

Example: A 2024 article in The Economic Times highlighted a recent exodus of mid-level managers from several Indian pharma companies. The report cited factors like stagnant salaries, lack of growth opportunities, and a competitive job market as reasons for the increased job hopping.

3. Competition for Talent:

Example: A recent news piece in BioSpectrum Asia (May 2024) discussed the fierce competition for experienced professionals in the biosimilars space. Companies like Biocon and Reliance Life Sciences are aggressively hiring and offering lucrative packages to attract top talent in this rapidly growing field.

4. Lack of Industry-Academia Collaboration:

Example: A joint report by FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry) and Ernst & Young (2023) highlighted the growing gap between the skills taught in universities and the practical needs of the pharma industry. The report urged closer collaboration between industry and academia to ensure curriculum updates reflect current industry requirements.

5. Diversity Issues:

Example: A 2024 study by Express Pharma revealed that despite comprising a significant portion of the workforce, women hold only around 15% of leadership positions in the top 20 Indian pharmaceutical companies. This highlights the need for targeted initiatives to promote women into leadership roles.

In such a scenario, some may obviously ask, what is my recommendation or the ways some companies are trying to address this issue. Here below is my prescription:

A prescription – A Multi-Pronged Approach, with Indian examples: 

Re-skilling and Up-skilling:

Example: Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, reportedly launched targeted training programs to equip existing employees with data science skills for clinical trial design and analysis. This approach empowers the current workforce and addresses the immediate skill gap.

Industry-Academia Collaboration:

Example: Lupin, as reported, partnered with IIT Delhi to establish a joint research center focused on drug delivery systems. This collaboration bridges the gap between academic knowledge and industry applications, better preparing graduates for real-world challenges.

Fostering Diversity and Inclusion:

Example: According to reports, Biocon’s “Women in Biopharma Leadership” program provides mentorship, training, and networking opportunities for aspiring women leaders. This initiative tackles the under-representation of women in leadership roles and unlocks the industry’s full talent potential.

As I discussed in my earlier article, ‘Diversity And Inclusion: A Missing Link For Indian Pharma‘ (June 25, 2018), the Indian pharma industry faces a critical talent shortage.

Building a Strong Employer Brand:

Example: Companies like Cipla can invest in employer branding initiatives to showcase their work culture, growth opportunities, and commitment to diversity. This can attract talent seeking a fulfilling career path and a positive work environment.

Leveraging Technology: Implementing AI-powered talent acquisition platforms can streamline recruitment processes and identify suitable candidates from a wider pool, including those from non-traditional educational backgrounds.


By addressing these challenges through strategic investments in skill development, nurturing industry-academia partnerships, and fostering a more inclusive work environment, the Indian pharmaceutical industry can build a robust and future-proof talent pool. This will be equipped to drive innovation and ensure its continued success in the global market to maintain its competitive edge, sustainably.

By: Tapan J. Ray

Disclaimer: The views/opinions expressed in this article are entirely my own, written in my individual and personal capacity. I do not represent any other person or organization for this opinion.


Criticality of Bridging the Skill Gap in Today’s Indian Pharma Industry

To address the shortage of adequately skilled workers in the country, in 2023, the Government of India released a new version of the national skill development initiative called Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana 4.0 (PMKVY 4.0). It is touted as a major upgrade over the previous versions of the scheme and aims to train 100 million people in different skills by 2024. This is expected to have a positive impact on the economy, creating new employment opportunities.

In this article, I shall deliberate on its current relevance in the Indian pharmaceutical industry. Let me start with some of the new features of this scheme and their relevance to the drug industry as I move on.

Some new features and details of the scheme:

As I see it, PMKVY 4.0 includes a number of new features and details over the previous versions, as follows:

  • A focus on high-demand skills: The scheme will focus on training people in high-demand skills, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cloud computing.
  • A greater emphasis on apprenticeships: The scheme will encourage more apprenticeships, which will provide trainees with hands-on experience.
  • A focus on women and underrepresented groups: The scheme will make special efforts to train women and underrepresented groups.
  • A greater focus on quality: The scheme will have a stronger focus on quality assurance to ensure that trainees are getting the best possible training.

Similarly, the specific details of the scheme include:

  • The scheme will be implemented by the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC).
  • The scheme will cover a wide range of skills, including IT, manufacturing, healthcare, and retail.
  • The training will be provided by a network of training providers, including government institutions, private training institutes, and industry partners.
  • The training will be free for all eligible candidates.
  • The scheme will also provide financial assistance to trainees to help them cover their living expenses during the training period.

Studies on the lack of a skilled workforce in the Indian pharma industry:

In tandem with the above, the lack of a skilled workforce in the Indian pharmaceutical industry has also emerged as a major concern in 2023. The industry is growing rapidly, creating a high demand for skilled workers.

Unfortunately, a huge shortage of adequately skilled workers keeps increasing. A contemporary study by the Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance found that the industry will need an additional 1 million skilled workers by 2025. Moreover, the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) has also identified the pharmaceutical industry as one of the top 10 industries facing a shortage of skilled workers. 

Factors contributing to this shortage:

Several factors have contributed to this shortage, including:

  • The rapid growth of the Indian pharmaceutical industry: The Indian pharmaceutical industry is growing at a rate of 10% per year. This rapid growth has created a demand for skilled workers that the industry is struggling to meet.
  • The increasing complexity of pharmaceutical manufacturing and marketing: Both are becoming increasingly complex, demanding employees with different skill sets. who have the knowledge and skills to operate complex equipment and follow strict procedures in the manufacturing process. Similarly, pharmaceutical marketing is also becoming increasingly complex due to the increasing number of regulations governing the industry, the growing importance of digital marketing, and the need to target a wider range of patients with varied demands and expectations. 
  • The lack of adequate training opportunities: There are not enough training opportunities available to meet the demand for skilled workers in the pharmaceutical industry. This is due to a number of factors, including the high cost of training and the lack of qualified trainers.
  • Mismatch between salary and expectations: There is often a mismatch between the salary offered and employee expectations. The average salary offered in pharmaceutical marketing is not as high as in other industries, such as technology. This makes it difficult to attract and retain skilled marketing professionals. 

The impact of the shortage of adequately skilled workers:

The shortage of skilled workers gives rise to negative consequences for the Indian pharmaceutical industry, such as:

  • Reduced productivity: The shortage of skilled workers is leading to reduced productivity in the pharmaceutical industry. This is because unskilled workers may lack the knowledge and skills to perform tasks efficiently.
  • Increased costs: The shortage of skilled workers is also leading to increased costs in the pharmaceutical industry. This is because companies have to pay higher salaries to attract and retain skilled workers. 
  • Quality problems: The shortage of skilled workers can also lead to quality problems in the pharmaceutical industry. This is because unskilled workers may not be able to follow GMP procedures correctly. Also, because unskilled marketing professionals may not be able to develop and implement effective marketing campaigns. 
  • Compliance issues: The shortage of skilled workers can also lead to compliance issues in the pharmaceutical industry. This is because unskilled workers may not be aware of the regulations that apply to the industry or the consequences of their violations on patients and society.

What the industry is doing today:

Some steps, though not considered enough by many, are being taken by the Indian pharmaceutical industry to address the shortage of skilled workers. Here are some specific recent examples:

  • Establishing training institutes: The industry is establishing training institutes to provide training to workers in the pharmaceutical industry. For example, the Indian Drug Manufacturers’ Association (IDMA) has established the IDMA Skill Development Institute in Hyderabad. The institute offers courses in pharmaceutical manufacturing, quality control, and regulatory compliance. 
  • Partnering with educational institutions: The industry is partnering with educational institutions to offer courses in pharmaceutical science and technology. For example, the Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance (IPA) has partnered with the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) to offer a diploma in pharmaceutical technology.
  • Promoting apprenticeships: The industry is promoting apprenticeships as a way to train workers in the pharmaceutical industry. For example, the Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) has launched the Apprenticeship Training Scheme for the Pharmaceutical Industry. Under the scheme, apprentices are paid a stipend and receive on-the-job training from experienced professionals.
  • Offering scholarships and grants: The industry is offering scholarships and grants to students studying pharmaceutical science and technology. For example, the IPA has launched the IPA Scholarship Scheme for Women in Pharmaceutical Sciences. The scheme provides scholarships to female students studying pharmaceutical sciences at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
  • Emphasizing on continuous learning: The industry is emphasizing on continuous learning for its employees. For example, several pharmaceutical companies offer their employees training programs and workshops on new technologies and regulations. 

Industry needs to work more closely with the government: 

The Indian pharmaceutical industry needs to work more closely with the government to address the shortage of skilled workers. The areas could possibly include:

  • Increasing the number of training institutes
  • Providing financial assistance to students studying pharmaceutical sciences
  • Relaxing the eligibility criteria for apprenticeships
  • Recognizing the skills of workers trained in other countries 

Where the government should take greater initiatives:

These areas may include the following:

  • Funding training programs
  • Partnering with educational institutions
  • Promoting apprenticeships


The shortage of skilled workers is a major challenge for the pharmaceutical industry. However, the industry is taking steps to address the challenge. There isn’t an iota of doubt in the contemporary pharma business environment that rebalancing the skill sets required, especially for employees in pharma sales and marketing, is more imperative today than ever before. Thus, it is important for the industry to continue to take steps to bridge the skill gap by addressing the shortage of its skilled workforce. This is essential today to maintain India’s position in the global market, at least as the reliable pharmacy of the world.

By: Tapan J. Ray

Disclaimer: The views/opinions expressed in this article are entirely my own, written in my individual and personal capacity. I do not represent any other person or organization for this opinion.



Pharma Marketing: The New Normal: Challenges of Change

A lot has changed in healthcare marketing prompted by the Covid pandemic. Apace with these, lots of old problems continue to remain very much the same. The aforesaid was observed in a recent article, published by WARC, on May 21, 2021. Although, this analysis was done in the United States, it has a global footprint, as the disruptions are broadly similar, with a varying degree from country to country.

Healthcare marketing leadership, including the pharma industry in India, presumably, is taking notes of these critical changes, along with their degree of impact. These are the basics for required responses in India, while managing its snowballing effect, both global and local.

Today’s article will provide a bird’s eye view of this area, to encourage marketers continue with their ongoing deep-dive data gathering exercise. Then, comes sieving the ‘catch’ with cerebral power – before using modern analytics to draw meaningful inferences for strategy making.

Some macro-changes stand out:

Some of these widely visible changes, also captured in the above WARC article, include the following:

  • An emerging trend of re-orientation of the healthcare industry around patient outcomes.
  • Need to realize that health and safety are the currency that can be used to rebuild consumer trust across categories.
  • Increasing need to build deeper emotional connections with customers, going beyond product-oriented features, benefits, and intrinsic brand values.
  • Providing healthcare consumers more data and behavioral science-driven, personalized solutions to their problems – to drive better outcomes.

More people are realizing that: ‘Healthcare, after all, is about life and death, and those stakes have been tragically reaffirmed during the pandemic,’ as the above paper underscores. Thus, affordable “health and safety will continue to be a currency that brands can use to re-establish trust with anxious consumers,” the author reiterates. To steer a company in that direction the marketers need to create a pathway for success by joining several emerging dots in the new normal. Let give just a flavor of these emerging dots with three examples, as below.

‘The end point – the price point’ - re-emerging as a core value expectation: 

Interestingly, ‘The end point – the price point’ for quality treatment outcomes is re-emerging as one of the core values and expectations of the consumers, especially facing an uncertain future that everybody is witnessing today. The health system is also transitioning from ‘pay for healthcare product and services’ – to ‘pay for integrated value-based care offerings.’ In the changing environment, many pharma players seem to have realized that customers are no longer interested in paying for brand values that serve mostly self-serving interests of the respective companies.

More healthcare customers are digitally savvy now:

Today’s brand values need to be in sync with what the perceived value of the customers, enhancing their end-to-end experience of the disease treatment process, more than ever before. For example, increasing number of patients are now choosing between F2F – in-clinic consultations and remote or virtual consultations, for non-life-threatening ailments. Some often do data-driven online assessment for different treatment value offerings, against what these would cost to them.

Purpose driven corporate branding is making better impact:

Pharma industry’s purpose-driven branding initiatives, in tandem with creating robust corporate brands, are drawing much greater public attention amid the pandemic. The list includes both the original product developers and their contract manufacturers. Even in India, many held with esteem – Corporates, such as, AstraZeneca and Serum Institute of India (SII) for Covishield, or Bharat Biotech for Covaxin.

The same thing has happened world-wide with many other Covid vaccine and drug manufacturers, such as, Pfizer, Johnson &Johnson, Moderna, Eli-Lilly, Roche, and others. Interestingly, from the available data in the cyberspace or from word-of-mouth, several people have also inferred about comparative value offerings of each. At least 4 Covid vaccine manufacturers are showing-up in this year’s ‘Conscious Brands 100’ list of 2021. This is, apparently, unprecedented.

Demonstration of ‘patients’-problem solving skill’ with resilience pays: 

As we all know by now, the drug industry as such – across the world, instead getting overwhelmed by the problem, pulled up socks and rolled the sleeves to find out scientific means of saving as many lives as possible, soonest.

Almost overnight, repurposing old drugs for Covid treatment and development Covid vaccines, racing against time, were initiated. The entire healthcare industry including, Medical Diagnostic and Devices companies and others, did not fall behind to offer reliable tests for Covid diagnosis, and other life support systems and equipment.

Alongside, Omnichannel digital campaigns of many companies, and favorable news reports amid the pandemic, made people realize the stellar role of the industry in saving lives and livelihoods – from the Covid menace.

Such examples include Pfizer’s What to know About Coronavirus webpage; Merck Inc’s Podcast: How Merck is looking at past epidemics and science to respond to the coronavirus outbreak; and India’s Mankind Pharma’s Mask My India digital campaign. It captures the stories of heroes, who are setting examples and doing more than their call of duty during the COVID-19 pandemic in India. The campaign also spreads the message that ‘together we can all fight with deadly Coronavirus.’

Some pandemic-triggered India-specific challenges:

According to the April 2021 KPMG paper, Covid pandemic has brought to the fore some of the following challenges for the India pharma industry, some due to years of neglect:

  • Fragile public health care system and laboratory testing infrastructure and supplies of life support items. This primarily due to one of the lowest Government spend (1.56% of the GDP) on health. As a result, India currently ranks 155th out of 167 countries, in terms of hospital bed availability (Human Development Report 2020) with just 5 beds availability per 10, 000 Indians.
  • Changes in health care consumption pattern – especially with the increasing use of e-health or telehealth, besides, online ordering of medicines through e-pharmacies.

Apart from these, it’s also noteworthy – how pharma demonstrated its healthcare ‘problem solving’ skill to save billions of lives from deadly Covid-19 and its mutants, attracting unprecedented kudos from all corners. To keep this initiative going – meeting customers’ core expectations, in my view, could indeed be yet another challenge of change.


There won’t be any ‘one size fits all’ sort of solution to address such challenges of change. Neither is all company’s challenges the same, in a relative yardstick. Each company would, therefore, need to understand what the pandemic triggered changes in market dynamics and customer expectations mean to them to pursue sustainable business excellence.

Thus, each player would require to elaborately make data-based assessment and analysis, to figure out where they currently stand, so far are the pandemic-triggered changes are concerned. With similar analysis, they should also try to fathom what are their customers’ specific value expectations, which may now go beyond the value that their brands can deliver, but critical for branding success.

Accordingly, a value delivery strategy to be worked out, taking all concerned on-board – with a carefully crafted employee and customer engagement blueprint – and mostly Omnichannel digital platforms.

To successfully navigate through the challenges of change, pharma marketers need to wear a different thinking cap. They would also need to realize that treating pharma marketing as an intrinsic product value delivery system, and by just doing digitally whatever traditionally used to be done manually, may not help generate an adequate return in the new normal. From this perspective, giving shape to a robust, comprehensive, integrated and Omnichannel digital strategic game plan for the organization, is the need of the hour.

By: Tapan J. Ray     

Disclaimer: The views/opinions expressed in this article are entirely my own, written in my individual and personal capacity. I do not represent any other person or organization for this opinion.

While Pharma Leadership Change This Atypical Skill Counts

Effective September 01, 2019, the global pharma major Sanofi will have a new CEO, as the present CEO retires attaining his retirement age of 65 years. This appears to be a mandatory announcement from the company, as is required during the top leadership change in any large and listed organization.

However, there is something novel, as well, in this announcement, especially when specific qualities, skills and experience of the new CEO were highlighted by the company’s Board of Directors. According to Sanofi Press Release, the new CEO – Paul Hudson “has proven his strategic vision, his strong leadership and his ability to achieve the greatest challenges, particularly in terms of innovation and digital transformation.”

Among the stated experience and skills, the one that appeared atypical to me, is the experience of digital transformation, particularly in the position of the CEO of a global pharma major. I In this article, I shall, therefore, explore, why knowledge and experience in this atypical skill is gradually becoming critically important for pharma leadership positions, at all levels.

Why is the need for digital transformation of pharma business?

According to the Internet Trends Report 2019 by Mary Meeker, at 3.8 billion internet users, more than half the world’s population is now online and it is growing. This number would obviously include patients.

As we know, the core purpose of pharma business is to offer a unique patient experience during any disease treatment process. And, the expectations of which from Internet-savvy individuals will be significantly more for various related reasons.

To achieve this objective, drug players would always require to be in sync with customers’ perceptions, expectations and aspirations, among others. Moreover, it’s also not ‘one size fits all’ type of a solution. These will significantly vary for different patient groups, so are the processes of engagement with them – based virtually on real-time information.

Interestingly, the core purpose of digital transformation is also to facilitate this process, with a great amount of precision. The entire process of creating a unique patient experience, involves generation of a massive amount of customized data, customize analysis of which is done through sophisticated analytics, and thereafter, translating and using them as key strategic business inputs, on an ongoing basis. Traditional organizational methods, systems and processes are incapable to deliver the same. Hence arises the crucial need of digital transformation of the organization, across the board.

The transformation is not just about software, hardware and data: 

That said, it is also essential to realize that digital transformation is not just about software, high-tech hardware, mobile apps and sophisticated wearables and data. These are, of course, some of the vital tools – used while transforming a company into battle readiness to create and provide a unique customer experience.

Such unique experience for each customer should cover all touchpoints, spanning across – before, during and after treatment with the company’s medication. This, in turn, helps generate an increasing number of prescriptions from doctors, which otherwise would not have been possible, following the conventional means.

Why this atypical skill is in demand today?

Like any other transformation process within an organization, digital transformation should necessarily be driven by the company CEO, having adequate experience in this area. Even the Board of Directors of many pharma players believes that such a CEO can facilitate the process faster and more effectively. Hence, the demand for this atypical skill is increasing, also for a pharma CEO position, besides leaders in various functional areas, as it is being considered as pivotal to achieve the core purpose of a pharma business, in the digital world.

Thus, if a CEO doesn’t properly understand, how the digital world operates with increasing number of visitors in the cyberspace and convinced about its relevance for business excellence, the organization would ultimately lose its competitive edge. One may, therefore, question, did the need for this atypical skill also arise during the selection of the new CEO of Sanofi?

Is this atypical skill for a new CEO more important now?

The answer, I reckon, could be both, ‘probably yes’ and also ‘no’.

‘Probably yes’, mostly because, being an uncommon skill for a pharma CEO, so far, it arrested the attention of many while reading ‘Sanofi Press Release’, for the appointment of their new CEO. Nevertheless, Sanofi is not the first pharma company placing so much of importance on digital transformation, especially for the key leadership positions. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) of February 18, 2018, the CEO of Novartis said: “We need to become a focused medicines company that’s powered by data science and digital technologies.”

Why it is so important for a pharma CEO?

The AT Kearney paper titled, “New Medicine for a New World – Time for Pharma to Dive into Digital,” also captured that an increasing number of pharma customers are now getting engaged and have started interacting in the digital space, more than ever before. This trend is fast going north – becoming an ‘in-thing’ of the industry, as it were. But more probably to be seen as trendy or display that they are also in it, by ‘dipping a toe in the digital waters.’ Whereas, ‘it’s time to take the plunge,’ as the paper cautions them.

‘Plunging into the digital water,’ doesn’t mean sending people to some external training program – with the word ‘digital’ prominently featuring as the course objective. It means bringing out ‘digital transformation’ of the entire organization, spearheaded by the CEO. The leadership of each functional area would then implement from the same playbook, with a structured and custom-made plan designed specifically to achieve the vision, mission, goals and values of the company.

We have recent examples of, at least, two top global pharma majors taking a plunge in the digital water to make the digital transformation of the organization a reality. The key purpose of the same, is to create a unique customer experience, being on the same page with them, in more effective ways, for business excellence. To move in this direction, the organization must imbibe the non-negotiable principle – ‘digital first,’ across the organization.

Only the CEO can decide ‘digital first’ as guiding organizational principle:

None other than the CEO of a drug company, can decide that ‘digital first’ will be the guiding principle of the company, across all the functional areas of the business. As the above paper articulates, it ‘should be explicitly incorporated into core business processes.’ It further says: ‘Top management must challenge any parts of the business that have not explicitly considered the opportunities from digital in their plans.’

Functional leaders to be in sync with digital transformation: 

All in the pharma organization, across all functions, must work for the end consumer of any pharma business – the patients. Every single employee in the company should strive delighting them with the company’s products and services, at every touchpoints, during their quest for relief from illnesses. As I said before, this is the single most important factor that determines not just the pace of growth of a drug company, but help enhance its reputation, too. It goes without saying, its ultimately the patients who are playing a catalytic role in the digital transformation of an organization.

It is essential for the CEO to make sure that entire corporate, functional and even departmental leadership teams are in tune with the need of digital transformation of the organization. Despite the detail explanation, if some remain unconvinced about the rationale behind the transformation of the core business process, the right leader should assume the responsibility.

This is because, even with one loose knot at the leadership level in this area, the entire objective can seriously get thwarted – down the line. Such changes, as, if and when required, can be achieved in various different ways, not through attrition alone. For example, by encouraging them to work with members of his peer group who can set good examples to emulate.

Brand promotion to physicians will still remain as important:

In tandem, no company should lose sight of the fact that their face-to-face interaction with physicians, will continue to play an important role in brand promotion. Primarily because, doctors and hospitals help patients to get desired solace from ill-health by prescribing recommended medicines, and consequently, will keep prevailing as an integral part of the pharma marketing process, supported directly or indirectly by every employee in the company.

The key challenge in digital transformation:

The key challenge in the digital transformation of a pharma company is broadly possible inflexible or a rigid mindset of some of its leaders. This is generally fueled by the fear of moving out of their respective comfort zones – rather than resources and expertise required to make the technology put to use. A well-running-business with a grand idea for the future, will generally be able to garner necessary resources and other wherewithal, without much problem.

All pharma leaders should always consider themselves as an important solution for the future success of the organization, Otherwise, he or she may be construed as a part of the problem and a hindrance in achieving the corporate goal and should make way for the capable ones, in this area. Hence, selecting leaders with the right spirit to make digital transformation effective, is so critical for the CEO.

To commence this journey, the leaders may either be willing to acquire the experience of a disruptive digital transformation, guided by the domain experts or may be recruited from outside having the necessary experience. Collective and well-coordinated steps towards this transformation can neither be tentative, nor should it commence without having the right leader at the right place with required will and experience.

Digital players entering into health space with game changing ideas:

Pharma players should also note, how the big technology companies, such as, Apple, Google, Microsoft and Amazon, besides many startups, are trying to create space for themselves in the health care arena. Several of them are also trying to reinvent health care with zest, much beyond what traditional drug companies could even envisage, till recently.

The digital transformation of the organization would help drug players to align the company’s business model with the tech companies in those specific areas to reap a rich harvest. More opportunities will also unfold – either to collaborate with them for targeted projects or moving into the tech space with well-calibrated measures, for business synergy. Without digital transformation of business, either facing such competition or benefitting from the available opportunities, will be challenging for drug companies.


In the digital world, while patients are emerging as a key driver of change in the health care space, traditional pharma operational systems, including sales and marketing are likely to give a diminishing return on investment. Although, many drug companies can sense this ongoing metamorphosis, several of them are still wondering how to go about it. Moreover, to test the ‘digital water’, some of them have started converting several traditional operational methods, systems and processes in the digital format, as well. Yet, are unable to fathom, why such efforts are not clicking – leading to a quantum increase in the operational efficiency – in pursuit of excellence.

The good news is, global pharma organizations, such as, Sanofi and Novartis, besides several others, have realized that incremental performance improvements with small tweaking here or there, across the organization, aren’t just enough. The corporation needs to move towards a holistic digital transformation, spearheaded by its CEO, having experience in this process. This new breed of pharma CEOs, well-supported by his team of leaders, fostering a burning desire to produce pace setting results, can usher in this ‘disruptive’ transformation. Because, they realize, traditional pharma operational systems, when tempered through the fire of the digital transformation process, can yield game changing outcomes for the organization.  The entire process, as it comes to fruition, helps delivering greater customer value, creating a unique customer experience – similar to what customers want – on an ongoing basis.

In fine, strategic intervention of this genre, initiated by the CEO and cascading down the organizational hierarchy, creates a whole new patient-centric outcome, which is much more than what a company can get through re-engineering the operational processes. Hence, especially the young mangers of date, may wish to note note that during virtually every leadership transition, this atypical skill is now likely count much more than ever before – with an ascending trend.

By: Tapan J. Ray  

Disclaimer: The views/opinions expressed in this article are entirely my own, written in my individual and personal capacity. I do not represent any other person or organization for this opinion.

Rebalancing Skill Sets In Pharma Sales And Marketing

A disturbing trend against much needed more job creation across the world, has been well captured in a May 2016 MIT article. It concluded through several complex mathematical models that: “As more tasks performed by labor are being automated, concerns that these new technologies will make labor redundant have intensified.”

However, despite well-hyped concerns in this area, ongoing rapid advancement of technology and other related innovation haven’t yet caused any alarming level of unemployment anywhere in the world, nor it possibly will. Several instances of gradual reduction in the number of routine and traditional jobs due to such automation, are generally related to a lesser level of hard skill sets. As we shall see below, many industries require doing so in the modern times, for long term sustainability of business.

In tandem, promising high tech jobs requiring state or the art hard skill sets are getting created too, though are fewer in number. Nevertheless, the number of brilliant startups has increased by manifolds, during the same period. This change is inevitable, mostly in any science and technology driven industry, e.g., banking sector, where most of human operated bank tellers have made way to ATM machines.

A recent vindication:

Vindicating this point, as it were, on May 18, 2017, Reuters reported that Swiss pharma major Novartis, as a part of its “ongoing global transformation” initiative launched last year to create a unified operating model, will cut around 500 traditional and routine jobs in Switzerland, and add 350 in high-tech areas. Immediately thereafter, for similar reasons, the company announced the elimination of another 250 jobs in the United States.

Jobs are important to all for a living. Any job loss, irrespective of the nature of business compulsion, is indeed unfortunate. That said, whether we like it or not, such evolving trends are the stark realities, and expected to continue or even accelerate in the years ahead for higher growth in productivity, especially involving the routine and traditional tasks.

Pharma industry, though a science-based one, loss of routine and traditional jobs due to technological advancement is fortunately still much less as compared to other similar industries. This is primarily due to the continuation of the traditional business models in the pharma sector, requiring a huge number of human intervention, which call for a different balance of soft and hard skill sets.

However, crystal gazing the future, it appears quite likely that there will be a strong need to rebalancing the required soft and hard skills in the drug industry. The contour of my discussion in this article will be on pharma sales and marketing. 

Skill – the ability to do something well:

The Oxford dictionary defines ‘skill’ as ‘the ability to do something well’. Similarly, the term ‘ability’ has been defined by it as ‘possession of the means’. Thus, ‘skill’ means ‘possession of the means to do something well’. It is an absolute must in all professions, including pharma sales and marketing.

Skills broadly fall into two categories – hard and soft skills. Hard skills involve specific knowledge and teachable abilities that can be defined and measured and are usually quantifiable.

Hard skills are individual proficiency in various scientific, technical, mathematical and even some artistic areas of creation, besides other related ones. In pharma sales and marketing arena of the near future, these include, among others, robust scientific knowledge-base to understand various aspects of drug molecules, content creation with astute market understanding, data generation and analysis through state of art analytics and research, software programing, digital savviness and social media expertise. Many of these skills are related to the Intelligent Quotient of an individual.

Soft skills, on the other hand, are less tangible and quantifiable, such as etiquette or personality development; work ethics, getting along with people, ability to listen patiently, overcoming objections, persuading others and a deep sense of accountability. Many of these skills are usually related to emotional intelligence of an individual.

Which one is more important?

Both hard or soft skills are useful, valuable and important. However, the mix of these two skills for high performance of any individual professional will generally depend on success requirements of a job in a specific macro business environment.

That said, it is important to note that most of the hard skills are taught and learnt mostly before a person’s entry into science, technology or various other craft or design based jobs. The related hard skills are essential for getting selected for specialized jobs. Whereas, softer skills are usually learned on the job, and through experience by all those who want to grow in the profession.

In this context, it may not be a bad idea for all pharma sales and marketing professionals to take a hard look at our own current soft and hard skill sets again, against rapidly changing demands of the business environment. Regardless of where we are now, it will be worth writing down on a piece of paper the type of each of these two skills, in order of their strengths, that we individually possess, which are good enough for achieving sustainable excellence in business performance and personal career progression. It may provide a broad sketch of where we stand today in the VUCA world.

The years ahead for pharma won’t be quite the same:

A strong wind of change has already started signaling that the years ahead for the pharma industry, won’t be quite the same as the bygone years nor like what it is today. Some, industry professionals have picked up this cue, while many are still in pursuit of replicating the traditional past with some digital tweaking here and there, whatever may be the reasons.

The current mix of skill sets of the sales and marketing professionals, quite perceptibly, tilts more towards sharpening the softer skills of the employees, as the traditional pharma business models prompt so.

Future need – rebalancing the skill sets:

To be a successful in the days ahead, pharma companies would need to dive deep into the cyberspace – just to be on the same wavelength with its important stakeholders, including, the Government.

Looking around, one witnesses many patients going digital at a faster pace than ever before. They enjoy the cyberspace while embracing the new ways of living life, such as – communicating digitally, chatting in WhatsApp sharing patient’s experience, interacting with online patient communities, and preferring data mining to know more about anything of interest. These activities also get them a sense of the differential advantages of various health care products, services and their cost, before or while consulting doctors and deciding what they can afford.

Similarly, many medical professionals are also not depending solely on the company representatives now to get relevant details on any medicinal product, device or services. Besides frequent interaction with their peer groups, they get such detail information from various websites run by independent, and credible expert groups.

Thus, one of the common arena for pharma stakeholder engagement and interaction would soon be the enigmatic Cyberspace. As the changing days come nearer, there is likely to be greater emphasis on the acquisition of talent having specialized hard skills in this area of sales and marketing.

This emerging scenario prompts rebalancing the mix of soft and hard skill sets with much greater care, and hire young sales and marketing professionals, accordingly to give shape to it. This process should commence now, as the present makes way for the future. This is so important because, the current trend of tweaking with many digital tools and devices mostly as interfaces, or for complementing in-person product detailing or for better field management, or even to draw up marketing and sales plans, may not yield the desired business results any longer, even for survival, as we move on.

Becoming digital natives?

According to the 2015 A.T. Kearney Report titled, “Time for Pharma to Dive into Digital”, pharma sales and marketing professionals must also become digital natives, providing content that is both up-to- date and appropriate for multiple digital channels. Moreover, they will have to be familiar with advanced analytics to monitor and measure actual consumption pattern, besides capturing in real time a huge sample of relevant data for deeper customer insights.

The new normal:

One of the biggest challenges would be in the approach to content development and management. Creating an interactive detailing toolbox for truly responsive customer engagement, requires a good deal of thought and quite complex coding. This would necessitate centralization of marketing content production, which is traditionally decentralized in many sales and marketing organizations. Similarly, the major focus of the sales force will shift from maximizing physician-call rates, to becoming a team of digital communication specialists, and coordinators who would ensure that the right channels are used at the right time.

As the November 2016 Accenture Report titled, ‘The Rebirth of The Pharmaceutical Sales Force’ underscores, the most successful pharmaceutical sales teams in the future will be those willing to define and servicing customers in new ways… and will use digital advances to change the conversation, and position themselves as committed to helping physicians improve health outcomes.

This expected change, I reckon, will put in place a new normal for pharma sales and marketing success in the years ahead.

In conclusion:

Young aspirants wanting to make a career in the pharma industry, may wish to take note of this evolving trend of inevitable changes. They may wish to get well-considered views on the same of a couple of experts’ having no conflict of interest, for a careful and independent personal assessment. These budding strivers should realize that the final actionable decision on developing requisite hard and soft skill sets for a successful take off in their respective working lives, should preferably be taken only by themselves, and none else.

An August 2015 article of McKinsey & Company titled, “The road to digital success in pharma” articulates that the pharma companies, though can play a central role in the digital revolution of healthcare, are running hard to keep pace with changes brought about by digital technology. But soon there may not be any other option left for achieving business excellence.

While the nation is taking strides to transform itself into ‘Digital India’, the pharma companies operating in the country can’t possibly afford to remain far behind. Willy-nilly, they will soon need to realign their business processes accordingly, as there may not be any further scope for individual pharma players to operate within the same old cocoon of tradition bound activities, and still survive.

To meet the new and tougher demands for excellence in pharma sales and marketing, the urgent need of the changing time lies squarely outside the box. To usher in a requisite transformation in the current business model, it calls for a series of well-calibrated, much researched, and bold steps – skillfully rebalancing the crucial soft and hard skill sets, achievable within a realistic and self-determined timeframe.

By: Tapan J. Ray   

Disclaimer: The views/opinions expressed in this article are entirely my own, written in my individual and personal capacity. I do not represent any other person or organization for this opinion.

Pharma Marketing in India: 10 Chain Events to Catalyze a Paradigm Shift

In the matured markets of the world pharmaceutical marketing is quite different in many respect as compared to India. Besides doctors, different sets of customer groups like, healthcare providers, patient advocacy groups, pharmacy benefit managers, clinical assessment authorities play various critical roles for use and consumption of branded or generic pharmaceutical products and related healthcare services.

Quite in contrast, even today, individual doctors have continued to remain almost the sole target customers for the pharmaceutical players in India. This is mainly because, by and large, they are the only decision makers for usage of medicines and other healthcare facilities for most of the patients in the country.

Heralding a new paradigm:

As indicated above, though the current pharmaceutical marketing strategies continue to revolve mostly around the doctors, a distinct change, albeit slowly though, is now anticipated within the pharmaceutical marketing space in India.

Gradual emergence of healthcare providers with medical insurance and other related products, patient advocacy groups and standard treatment guidelines, just to name a few, are expected to facilitate heralding a new paradigm in the strategy dynamics of the Indian Pharmaceuticals Market (IPM) in the coming years. These changes will not be incremental in any way, but disruptive and radical in nature, as they will fully evolve.

This process of transformation, mainly driven by Government policy reform measures like, ‘Universal Health Coverage (UHC)’, ‘Free distribution of medicines’, mandatory prescriptions in generic names, could make the current pharmaceutical business strategy models of majority of companies irrelevant and obsolete, in not too distant future.

It is worth noting that the Government will spend around Rs.14,000 Crores (US$ 2.60 billion, approximately) from the year 2014 to 2017 just on medicine purchases at highly negotiated/discounted prices for free distribution to all through Government hospitals and dispensaries.

10 Chain events envisaged:

In the evolving scenario, following chain events, taking place almost in tandem, in my view, will gradually usher in a new pharmaceutical marketing paradigm in India:

1. In addition to ‘Universal Health Coverage’, there will be a rapid increase in the number of other healthcare providers with innovative, tailor-made and value added schemes for various strata of the society.

2. This will trigger emergence of very powerful groups of negotiators for adopting treatment guidelines, pharmaceutical products usage and other healthcare related services.

3. These groups will have the wherewithal to strongly and significantly influence the doctors in their prescription and other treatment choices.

4. A significant proportion of the products that the pharmaceutical companies will market, a tough price negotiation with the healthcare providers/ medical insurance companies will be inevitable.

5. Consequently, doctors will no longer be the sole decision makers for prescribing drugs and also the way they will treat the common diseases.

6. Pharmaco-economics or Health Technology Assessment (HTA) or outcome based pricing will gradually play an important role in pricing a healthcare products. Drug Price Control Order (DPCO 2013) has already signaled to this direction for a class of products.

7. An integrated approach towards disease prevention will emerge as equally important as treating diseases.

8. A shift from just product marketing to marketing a bundle of value added comprehensive disease management processes along with the product would be the order of the day.

9. More regulatory control measures on pharmaceutical sales and marketing are expected to be put in place by the Government to prevent alleged widespread sales and marketing malpractices in the country.

10. Over the counter (OTC) medicines, especially those originated from natural products to treat common and less serious illnesses, will carve out a sizable share of the market, as appropriate regulations would be put in place, adequately supported by AYUSH. This will be fueled by overall increase in general health awareness of the population.

Trapped in an ‘Archaic Strategy Cocoon’:

Over a long period of time, Indian pharmaceutical industry seems to have trapped itself in a difficult to explain ‘Archaic  Strategy Cocoon’. No holds bar sales promotion activities, with very little of marketing, continue to dominate the ball game of hitting the month-end numbers, even today.

It is high time to come out of this cocoon and confront the ‘writing on the wall’ upfront, if not try to hasten the process of the evolving changes, boldly and squarely. This will require a strategic long term vision to be implemented in an orderly way to effectively convert all these challenges into possible high growth business opportunities.

A differentiated composite value delivery system:

Moreover, in today’s post product patent regime in the country, product pipelines of the domestic Indian companies with new ‘copycat’ versions of patented products have almost dwindled into nothing, making price competition in the market place even more ‘cut throat’.

In such type of changing environment, all pharmaceutical companies will be under tremendous pressure to create and deliver additional, well differentiated and composite value offerings, beyond physical products, to attract more patients, doctors, healthcare providers and others, in and around related disease areas, for business excellence.

Thus, ability to create and effectively deliver well-differentiated composite value offerings, along with the physical products, will separate men from the boys in the high growth pharmaceutical market of India, in the long run.

This could also possibly create an ‘Alibaba Effect’ for the successful ones in search of pots of gold in the pharmaceutical space of India.

New leadership and managerial skill set requirements:

In the new environment, required skill sets for both the leaders and the managers of Indian pharmaceutical companies will be quite different from what they are today. This will not happen overnight though, but surely will unfold gradually.

New skills:

Leaders and managers with knowledge in just one functional area like, R&D, manufacturing, marketing, regulatory, finance are unlikely to be successful without a broad-based knowledge in the new paradigm. To really understand and handle new types and groups of customers, they will need to break the operational silos and be proficient in other key areas of business too.

These professionals will require ensuring:

Multi-functional expertise by rotating right people across the key functional areas, as far as possible, even with a stretch.

Ability to fathom and correctly interpret patients’ clinical benefits against cost incurred to achieve the targeted clinical outcomes, especially in areas of new products.

Insight into the trend of thought pattern of healthcare providers and other customers or influencers groups.

Speed in decision-making and delivery…more importantly ability to take ‘first time right’ decisions, which can make or mar an important initiative or a commercial deal.

IPM growing fast, can grow even faster: 

India is now one of fastest growing emerging pharmaceutical markets of the world with 3rd global ranking in the volume of production and 13th in value terms. Domestic turnover of the industry is over US$ 13.1 billion in 2012 (IMS) representing around 1 percent of the global pharmaceutical industry turnover of US$ 956 billion (IMS 2011).

Since 1970, Indian pharmaceutical Industry has rapidly evolved from almost a non-entity to meeting around 20 percent of the global requirements of high quality and low cost generic medicines.

Financial reforms in the health insurance sector and more public investments (2.5% of the GDP) in the healthcare space during the 12th Five Year Plan Period will have significant catalytic effect to further boost the growth of the industry.

Stringent regulations and guidelines of the Government in various areas of pharmaceutical business in India are expected to be in place soon. Ability to ensure system-based rigid organizational compliance to those changing business demands in a sustainable way. will determine the degree of success for the pharma players in India.

One such area, out of many others, is the professional interaction of the Medical Representatives with the doctors and other customer groups.

Require a ‘National Regulatory Standard’ for Medical Representatives in India:

Medical Representatives (MRs) currently form the bedrock of business success, especially for the pharmaceutical industry in India. The Job of MRs is a tough and high voltage one, laced with moments of both elation and frustration, while generating prescription demand for selected products in an assigned business territory.

Though educational qualifications, relevant product and disease knowledge, professional conduct and ethical standards vary widely among them, they are usually friendly, mostly wearing a smile even while working in an environment of long and flexible working hours.

There is a huge challenge in India to strike a right balance between the level and quality of sales pitch generated for a brand by the MRs, at times even without being armed with required scientific knowledge and following professional conduct/ ethical standards, while doing their job.

Straying from the right course:

A recent media report highlighted that ‘Indian subsidiary of a Swiss pharma major has run into trouble with some executives allegedly found to be inflating and presenting fabricated sales data for an anti-diabetic drug.’

The report also indicated that officials from mid-management ranks to sales representatives were allegedly involved in those unethical practices. The company has responded to this incidence by saying that the matter is still under investigation.

It is critical for the MRs not just to understand scientific details of the products, their mode of action in disease conditions, precautions and side effects, but also to have a thorough training on how to ‘walk the line’, in order to be fair to the job and be successful.

As MRs are not just salesmen, they must always be properly educated in their respective fields and given opportunities to constantly hone their knowledge and skills to remain competitive. The role of MRs is expected to remain important even in the changing scenario, though with additional specialized skill sets.

Unfortunately, India still does not have a ‘National Code of Conduct or Regulatory Standards’ applicable to the MRs.

Only the clause 4 of ‘The Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisement) Act, 1954’ deals with misleading advertisements. It is about time to formulate not only a ‘National Code on Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices’, but also a mandatory ‘Accreditation program’ and transparent qualifying criteria for the MRs for the entire pharmaceutical industry in India, just like many other countries of the world.

‘Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO)’ of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of the Government of India in its website lists the “Laws Pertaining to Manufacture and Sale of Drugs in India”. However, it does not specify any regulation for the MRs nor does it recommend any standard of qualification and training for them, which is so critical for all concerned.

There are currently no comprehensive national standards for educational qualification, knowledge, ethics and professional conduct for the MRs. In the absence of all these, it is difficult to fathom, whether they are receiving right and uniform inputs to appropriately interact with the medical profession and others in a manner that will benefit the patients and at the same remain within the boundary of professional ethics and conduct.

Thus, a ‘National Regulatory Standard’ for MRs, I reckon, is absolutely necessary in India… sooner the better.

Global pharmaceutical players:

Facing a huge patent cliff, global pharmaceutical companies are now fast gaining expertise in the ball game of generic pharmaceuticals, especially in the developing markets of the world.

In the emerging markets like India, where branded generic business dominates, global pharmaceutical players seem to be increasingly finding it lucrative enough for a sustainable all round business growth.

However, to outpace competition, they too will need to capture the changing dynamics of the market and strategize accordingly without moaning much about the business environment in the country.

On the other hand, if majority of Indian pharmaceutical companies, who are not yet used to handling such changes, are caught unaware of this evolving scenario, the tsunami of changes, as they will come, could spell a commercial disaster, endangering even very survival of their business.

Managing transition:

During ensuing phase of transition in India, pharmaceutical companies would require to:

Clearly identify, acquire and continuously hone the new skill sets to effectively manage the evolving challenge of change.

Get engaged, having clarity in the strategic content and intent, with the existing public/private healthcare providers and health insurance companies like, Mediclaim, ICICI Lombard, large corporate hospital chains, retail chain chemists and others, proactively.

Drive the change, instead of waiting for the change to take place.

Ensure that appropriate balance is maintained between different types of marketing strategies with innovative ways and means.


It may not be easy for the local Indian players to adapt to the new paradigm sooner and compete with the global players on equal footing, even in the branded generic space, with strategies not innovative enough and lacking required cutting edges.

In my view, those Indian Pharmaceutical companies, who are already global players in their own rights and relatively well versed with the nuances of this new ball game in other markets, will have a significant competitive edge over most other domestic players.

If it happens, the global-local companies will offer a tough competition to the local-global players, especially, in the branded generic space with greater cost efficiency.

So far as other domestic players are concerned, the fast changing environment could throw a new challenge to many, accelerating the consolidation process further within the Indian pharmaceutical industry.

As the new paradigm will herald, catalyzed by the above 10 chain events, there will be a metamorphosis in the way pharmaceutical marketing is practiced in India. A well-differentiated composite value delivery system would then, in all probability, be the name of the winning game.

By: Tapan J. Ray

Disclaimer: The views/opinions expressed in this article are entirely my own, written in my individual and personal capacity. I do not represent any other person or organization for this opinion.